The online journal of August Hunicke

This blog is a way to share my thoughts and writings with others...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 13, 2009

I got the idea to start this blog after I watched the movie,"Julie and Julia". Julie (in the movie) made blogging look quite fun. I have always loved journaling, which is all blogging is. So here we go...

I have just started a read-the-bible-in-a-year program and I will share some thoughts on what I find there as I go. For example; could it be that Noah's three sons were triplets? Check this out...Genesis 5:32 And Noah was five Hundred years old, and Noah begot Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (see what I mean?)

Also I want to put my songs and essays up here. To start this blog I think I will put up a song because all I have to do is copy and paste (It's 3:19 in the morning and the click clack of typing is driving my almost-sleeping wife crazy).  I wrote and dedicated the following song to my son, Hezekiah, while he was yet in the womb.  This song is further dedicated to all babies, inside or out of the womb...

Inside and Out

By, August Hunicke

I’m in love with someone I’ve never met

No truer love, can a person get

Some may wonder, how can this thing, how can this thing be?

That a man loves someone who he doesn’t see

I know you’re there and I know there’s no doubt

And I’ll love you always, inside and out.

Who are you really? Not much I know.

Do your eyes shimmer blue or green do they glow?

True you are lovely; it’s from God you came

Though I must confess that I don’t know your name.

I know you’re there and I know there’s no doubt

And I’ll love you always, inside and out.

Time passes slowly, it’s hard to wait.

I trust I’ll see you, early or late.

I know that it’s better, you’re inside right now.

For your bones are growing but I make you this vow.

I know you’re there and I know there’s no doubt

And I’ll love you always, inside and out.

So rest little someone, become who you are.

It’s true I’m out here, and not very far.

The moment draws closer with each passing day.

Our eyes will meet and you’ll hear me say.

I see you baby yes there’s no doubt.

And I’ve loved you always, inside and out.

Stay little baby and don’t hurry out.

You’re loved on the inside; you’ll be loved on the out.

1 comment:

  1. Your Dad told me about Hezekiah walking on the tree. It was nice to be able to see the video.
