The online journal of August Hunicke

This blog is a way to share my thoughts and writings with others...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dec. 17. 2009

Hezekiah's fever broke last night and has not returned. I stopped checking it around 1 or 2:00 am. It took a bull dozer to push me out of bed this morning. I hope that if it was the anti-biotics that worked, that they will continue to work and not let a sudden resurgence happen. I hope it was not meningitis and they just used a nuclear bomb to swat a misquito. If it was meningitis then they say they have to act very fast and only then can they be successful...Well I know this, it was all happening fast. It seemed as though he was fine one minute and surrounded by firemen the next. (I have a newfound patriotic spirit, i'll write of later.)

To be a delicate human who loves deeply, the other delicate humans, can be a bumpy ride in this dangerous world. Thank you God for a way to live that works.  ~August Hunicke


  1. Wow. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I know God will make it all alright, but what an awful thing to go through, for all of you. I will be praying about this.

  2. God is merciful! We begged for His mercy, and He heard us. Thanks and glory be to our Almighty God!
